What is Under Your Kitchen Sink?

We are surrounded by toxins hidden in our soaps, shampoos, toothpaste, sunscreen, household cleaners, lotions, and even our makeup. In fact, women are exposed to over 100 chemicals a day. These chemicals can affect the hormones and fertility of both women and men and can even be passed on to your child during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
We are surrounded by toxins hidden in our soaps, shampoos, toothpaste, sunscreen, household cleaners, lotions, and even our makeup. In fact, women are exposed to over 100 chemicals a day. These chemicals can affect the hormones and fertility of both women and men and can even be passed on to your child during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The Impact of Toxins on Your Brain Health

As moms, your top priority is keeping your family safe and healthy. You make sure they eat organic and exercise regularly but did you ever think of the impact of toxins on your brain? Yes, exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins can impact your brain health and functionality, leading to a variety of cognitive and neurological problems.