Power Foods for Your Kids' Brain Health

As parents, we constantly strive to provide the best nutrition for our children's overall development, and their brain health is no exception. The foods we choose for our kids can significantly impact their cognitive abilities, memory retention, and focus. While there are various dietary choices available, adopting an animal-based diet can offer numerous powerful foods that support optimal brain health in growing children.

What is the 14-Day Reset?

The 14-Day Reset is an ongoing, monthly program that is available FREE to my wellness community and together we focus on nutrition, supplementation, hydration, and movement as well as reducing stress and chemicals from our environment. Don't worry, this isn’t a fad diet. It’s fast but not a “get skinny quick” gimmick. It’s about delivering nutrients to cells and making sustainable changes... which I’m ALL about! All you need is my favorite liquid supplements that help with pain, fatigue, cellular function, and cognitive support. It’s a delicious juice but the main thing is that it reverses inflammation and that’s what your body needs. It also helps to detoxify the chemicals in your body which is another thing your body needs to heal.