Honestly, it all started with a quest to recreate an old favorite scent of mine that I used as a young adult - “White Shoulders”. Back in the 1970s, this perfume was a gift that I cherished, but, like so many things, it faded from memory until a friend recently asked me what fragrance I loved when I was younger. It took me several days to remember, and after some searching, I was amazed to find bottles of White Shoulders still available on eBay, some even dating back to the ‘40s and ‘50s. I purchased one, and now I’m having a wonderful time blending essential oils to (hopefully) recreate that fragrance!

While experimenting, it hit me — why not make a room freshener and linen spray that captures this “signature” scent? Creating something personal and nostalgic felt like a fun project, especially in a world that sometimes feels so heavy, you know, things like hurricanes, politics, and family and personal struggles. 

Smell has such a wonderful way to lift the mood, so today I dived in, and played with these essential oil blends. However, as I did so, I found myself thinking about how everyday products, like room fresheners, are often full of hidden chemicals.

As we learn more about these toxins, the appeal of natural alternatives just keeps growing. Room fresheners and linen sprays may seem harmless, but they often contain chemicals that aren’t just hard on our respiratory systems — they can also affect our brain health.

The Hidden Toxins in Store-Bought Fresheners and Their Impact on the Brain

Many commercial fresheners contain substances like phthalates, synthetic fragrances, and formaldehyde. These aren’t just potential irritants; they can harm our health in more significant ways. Here’s a closer look:

-   Phthalates: These are common in synthetic fragrances and help scents last longer. However, they’re also linked to hormone disruptions, which can affect brain function over time, contributing to memory and cognitive issues, especially in children.

-   Formaldehyde: Often used as a preservative, formaldehyde is a neurotoxin that has been linked to headaches, dizziness, and long-term cognitive issues like memory problems and an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

-   Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Many sprays emit VOCs like benzene and toluene, which can harm the central nervous system, potentially leading to mood disturbances, anxiety, and cognitive decline over time.

-   Synthetic Musks: Common in fragrance blends, these can accumulate in the brain and interfere with neurotransmitters, potentially impacting mood and cognitive function.

 Why Make Your Own Room Fresheners and Linen Sprays?

Creating your own sprays gives you control over what you breathe in, keeping your brain safe from sneaky toxins. Here’s why the DIY approach is so beneficial:

1.   Purity and Safety: You know exactly what’s going into your sprays — no surprises or hidden chemicals.
2.   Customization: You can create scents that lift your spirits, calm your mind, or even bring back cherished memories, all without toxins.
3.   Cost-Effectiveness: DIY sprays use simple, affordable ingredients, and you can reuse your supplies to make endless batches.
4.   Environmental Friendliness: Reusing glass bottles and avoiding plastic packaging reduces waste and makes a positive impact on the planet.

 How to Make Your Own Room Freshener and Linen Spray

It’s as easy as filling a spray bottle with distilled water, adding a tablespoon of witch hazel (or vodka), and mixing in 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oils. Here are a few blend ideas to try:

-   Lavender and Chamomile: For a calming, sleep-friendly scent.
-   Lemon and Peppermint: Perfect for a refreshing, energizing boost.
-   Eucalyptus and Tea Tree: Great for a fresh, clean vibe that also purifies the air.

Just add your ingredients, give it a shake, and you’re set to enjoy a healthier, toxin-free freshener.

Take Control of Your Home’s Air Quality

Switching to homemade room fresheners and linen sprays is not just about avoiding toxic chemicals — it’s also about bringing joy into your life through personal, safe scents. So why not give it a try? You might just find that making your own room fresheners is a perfect way to protect your brain and make your home feel a little more “you.”

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